We consider different types of external color sources that move through a strongly-coupled thermal N = 4 super-Yang-Mills plasma, and calculate, via the AdS/CFT correspondence, the dissipative force (or equivalently, the rate of energy loss) they experience. A bound state of k quarks in the totally antisymmetric representation is found to feel a force with a nontrivial k-dependence. Our result for k=1 (or k = N − 1) agrees at large N with the one obtained recently by Herzog et al. and Gubser, but contains in addition an infinite series of 1/N corrections. The baryon (k = N ) is seen to experience no drag. Finally, a heavy gluon is found to be subject to a force which at large N is twice as large as the one experienced by a heavy quark, in accordance with gauge theory expectations. * AdS/CFT predictions for a strongly-coupled SYM plasma, including its strong-toweak-coupling entropy ratio [7,8] and its ratio of shear viscosity to entropy density [9,10]. 1 These indications have spurred intense research on various fronts, including attempts to achieve a more realistic model of the sQGP by incorporating the effect of its expansion and/or its finite extent [12,13,14,15].Much of the recent activity in this area has focused on determining the rate at which the thermal non-Abelian plasma dissipates energy. The drag force experienced by a heavy quark that ploughs through a strongly-coupled N = 4 SYM plasma was determined in [16,17]. 2 The closely related heavy quark diffusion coefficient was computed in [19,16]. Previous related work was carried out in [20]; generalizations can be found in [21,22,23,24,25,26,27]. In interesting followup work, the authors of [28,29,30] studied the profile of the coherent gluonic fields set up by the joint quark-plasma system, which are responsible for taking energy away from the moving quark. Their results appear to be consistent with phenomenological expectations of 'conical flow' [31].An important measure of energy loss used in phenomenological models of mediuminduced radiation (for reviews see [32]) is the jet-quenching parameterq, defined as the average squared transverse momentum transferred to the quark by the medium, per unit distance travelled. The authors of [33] suggested thatq could be identified with the logarithm of a certain lightlike Wilson loop, 3 and then used AdS/CFT to compute the latter for N = 4 SYM. The authors of [16] argued that a prediction for q in N = 4 SYM could be extracted, under certain assumptions, from their value for the drag force through use of the Langevin equation. Their result does not agree with that of [33], so there is some controversy on whether the lightlike Wilson loop employed in the latter work really computes the jet quenching parameter as defined in [32]. Be that as it may, a number of subsequent works have applied the prescription of [33] in more elaborate contexts [36,37,24,38,39,40,26], finding results whose qualitative form resembles that of corresponding drag forces [21]- [27], even if the detailed functional form of the two sets of qua...