Higher the turbine inlet temperature of a gas turbine, higher will be the efficiency, however the increase in the turbine inlet temperature is limited to the materials and the cooling strategies employed. This article presents a study on the effect of blowing ratio on film cooling effectiveness for a cylindrical hole and a diffused hole at different angles. The analysis was done for blowing ratios of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 while the angle in the diffused hole was varied as 5°, 10° and 15°. A grid independence study was performed and the simulation was validated. The results of cylindrical and different angles of diffused holes were compared. For a cylindrical hole as well as diffused hole, a blowing ratio of 1.0 was found to have an optimal effectiveness. The diffused hole was found to improve the near hole and downstream effectiveness at higher blowing ratios.