Weak acids such as acetate and benzoate, which partially collapse the transmembrane proton gradient, not only mediate pH taxis but also impair the motility of Escherichia coli and Salmonella at an external pH of 5.5. In this study, we examined in more detail the effect of weak acids on motility at various external pH values. A change of external pH over the range 5.0 to 7.8 hardly affected the swimming speed of E. coli cells in the absence of 34 mM potassium acetate. In contrast, the cells decreased their swimming speed significantly as external pH was shifted from pH 7.0 to 5.0 in the presence of 34 mM acetate. The total proton motive force of E. coli cells was not changed greatly by the presence of acetate. We measured the rotational rate of tethered E. coli cells as a function of external pH. Rotational speed decreased rapidly as the external pH was decreased, and at pH 5.0, the motor stopped completely. When the external pH was returned to 7.0, the motor restarted rotating at almost its original level, indicating that high intracellular proton (H ؉ ) concentration does not irreversibly abolish flagellar motor function. Both the swimming speeds and rotation rates of tethered cells of Salmonella also decreased considerably when the external pH was shifted from pH 7.0 to 5.5 in the presence of 20 mM benzoate. We propose that the increase in the intracellular proton concentration interferes with the release of protons from the torque-generating units, resulting in slowing or stopping of the motors.The bacterial flagellar motor, which is embedded within the cytoplasmic membrane, is a rotary machine to generate motility (1, 15). The motor is placed in either of two states, counterclockwise rotation and clockwise rotation, which cause swimming and tumbling, respectively. The switch in the direction of flagellar motor rotation is the basis of chemotaxis. In Escherichia coli and Salmonella, the motor is driven by the transmembrane electrochemical gradient of protons (H ϩ ), i.e., the proton motive force (17,18). Although many studies have been carried out, it still remains unknown how the motors convert the proton influx into the energy for generating torque.Based on genetic analyses of mutants with paralyzed phenotypes, five proteins are known to be responsible for torque generation in the flagellar motor: MotA, MotB, FliG, FliM, and FliN. MotA and MotB are cytoplasmic membrane proteins and together form a complex. The MotA/MotB complex is responsible for proton conductance and functions as a torquegenerating unit (2, 3). Since MotB is postulated to be anchored to the peptidoglycan layer, the complex could be the stator (4). FliG, FliM, and FliN are involved in torque generation and switching of the direction of flagellar motor rotation (7, 29). They form the C ring, which is directly mounted onto the cytoplasmic side of the flagellar MS ring and therefore seems likely to be the rotor (6, 23). It has been suggested that electrostatic interactions at the rotor-stator interface are important for torque generation (31)...