Conversion of energy of beta-particles into electric energy in a p-n junction based on directbandgap semiconductors, such as GaAs, considering realistic semiconductor system parameters is analyzed. An expression for the collection coefficient, Q, of the electron-hole pairs generated by beta-electrons is derived taking into account the existence of the dead layer. We show that the collection coefficient of beta-electrons emitted by a 3 H-source to a GaAs p-n junction is close to 1 in a broad range of electron lifetimes in the junction, ranging from 10 −9 to 10 −7 s. For the combination 147 Pm/GaAs, Q is relatively large (≥ 0.4) only for quite long lifetimes (about 10 −7 s) and large thicknesses (about 100 µm) of GaAs p-n junctions. For realistic lifetimes of minority carriers and their diffusion coefficients, the open-circuit voltage realized due to the irradiation of a GaAs p-n junction by beta-particles is obtained. The attainable beta-conversion efficiency η in the case of a 3 H/GaAs combination is found to exceed that of the 147 Pm/GaAs combination.