An overview of the accomplishments of constructive quantum field theory is provided. 1 1 Introduction: Background and Motivations Quantum field theory (QFT) is widely viewed as one of the most successful theories in science -it has predicted phenomena before they were observed in nature 2 , and its predictions are believed to be confirmed by experiments to within an extraordinary degree of accuracy 3 . Though it has undergone a long and complex development from its origins 4 in the 1929/30 papers of Heisenberg and Pauli [107,108] and has attained an ever increasing theoretical sophistication, it is still not clear in which sense the physically central quantum field theories such as quantum electrodynamics (QED), quantum chromodynamics (QCD) and the Standard Model (SM) are mathematically well defined theories based upon fundamental physical principles that go beyond the merely ad hoc. Needless to say, there are many physicists working with quantum field theories for whom the question is of little Einstein Causality: 7 For all spacelike separated x, y ∈ R 4 one has φ(x)φ(y) = φ(y)φ(x) in the sense of operator valued distributions on D.The Spectrum Condition (stability of the field system): Restricting one's attention to the translation subgroup R 4 ⊂ P ↑ + , the spectrum of the self-adjoint generators of the group U(R 4 ) is contained in the closed forward lightconeThe reader is referred to [122,184] for a discussion of the physical interpretation and motivation of these conditions. There is an equivalent formulation of these conditions in terms of the Wightman functions [184]which are distributions on S(R dn ). These two sets of conditions are referred to collectively as the Wightman axioms. There are closely related sets of conditions for Fermi fields and higher spin Bose fields [122,184].A more general axiom system which is conceptually closer to the actual operational circumstances of a theory tested by laboratory experiments is constituted by the Haag-Araki-Kastler axioms (HAK axioms), which axiomatize conceptual structures referred to as local quantum physics or algebraic quantum field theory (AQFT). Although more general formulations of AQFT are available, for the purposes of this paper it will suffice to limit our attention to a quadruple 8 ({A(O)} O∈R , H, U, Ω) with H, U and Ω as above and {A(O)} O∈R a net of von Neumann algebras A(O) acting on H, where O ranges through a suitable set R of nonempty open subsets of Minkowski space. The algebra A(O) is interpreted as the algebra generated by all (bounded) observables measurable in the spacetime region O, so the net {A(O)} O∈R is naturally assumed to satisfy isotony: if O 1 ⊂ O 2 , then one must have A(O 1 ) ⊂ A(O 2 ). In this framework the basic principles are formulated as follows. Relativistic Covariance: For every Poincaré element (Λ, a) ∈ P ↑ + and spacetime region O ∈ R one has U(Λ, a)A(O)U(Λ, a) −1 = A(ΛO + a). Einstein Causality: 9 For all spacelike separated regions O 1 , O 2 ∈ R one has AB = BA for all A ∈ A(O 1 ) and all B ∈ A(O 2 ).The Spectrum C...