“…Then based on this questionnaire data were collected. A22 Poor site performance and management [15,33] A23 Ineffective scheduling and planning [4,19,30,32] A24 Improper construction methods [19,22,33] A25 Poor coordination and communication with other [4,30,31] A26 Inadequate experience of the contractor [19,22,25] A27 Rework for unsatisfactory work [17,19,22] A3 Consultant A31 Inadequate consultant experience [15,19] A32 Late in receiving and approving of work [4,19,22,30] A33 Late in performing inspection and testing and poor supervision [34] A34 Poor coordination and communication with other [19] B42 Low efficiency and productivity of equipment [34] B42 Lack of spare parts and failures of equipment [4,17,30,31] B43 Problem of mobilization and allocation [16] B45 Equipment outdated [16,34] (C) Contrac condition C1 Absence of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) [4,30,33] C2 Discrepancies and mistakes in contract [33] C3 Unrealistic cost and duration contract [4,17,30] C4 Poor incentives and inadequate penalties in contract …”