Ação do equipamento Bulbox -triturador de lâmpadas -no processo mitigatório dos impactos do mercúrio (HG) no meio ambienteEste estudo examina a ação do equipamento Bulbox (triturador de lâmpadas) na descontaminação correta de lâmpadas fluorescentes (LF
Action of the Bulbox device -lamps crusher -in the migratory impact of mercury(HG) to the environmentThis study examines the action of the Bulbox device in the correct decontamination of fluorescent light bulbs. Notably these processes are consistent with the National Policy of Solid Residuals(PNRS), approved by the law n° 12.305, on August 2nd 2010. It has the goal of investigating the benefits that the human health and the environment receive with the mitigation of mercury(Hg) exposure and explain the benefits of the adequate final treatment of fluorescent light bulbs. In the methodology were used qualitative research criterias stressing the use of data gathering devices as a means to the bibliographic survey, documentation and interview. The results show that the biotoxic factors and abiotics had meaningful gains with the correct gathering of mercury by the Bulbox device, as the reuse of glass, aluminium, copper and brass bringing this way meaningful results in the wellness preservation of several ecosystems.