Abstract:This study aims toanalyze the effect of motivation and competency factor on employee performance in Satellite Technology Center -National Institute of Aeronautics and Space. This study uses a quantitative approach using descriptive analytic surveywith cross-sectional study. Respondents in this study of 79 people who are employees of part dissemination, program and facility, administration.The data analysis used in this research were descriptive analysis and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) PLS. The results show that motivationhas significant effect either directly or indirectly through the competency on employee performance in Satellite Technology Center -National Institute of Aeronautics and Space.Keywords: motivation, competency, employee performance Human resources (SDM) are very important asset in an organization. Human resour ces focus on the strength coming from human potential within the scope of organization and become the basic capital for an organization in doing activities in achieving goals (Sunyoto 2015).Human resources who have motivation are the determinant of success in the achievement of organizational goals. The success of an organization depends on how to draw the motivation 229 of employees and keep it in the good performance (Muindi and K'obonyo 2015).The study which was conducted by Hendriani, et al. (2014) As a research and development institute, employees in Satellite Technology Center -LAPAN, most of which are functional researchers, engineers, and litkayasa technicians should have good performance to be able to produce a research result which is useful for society, by the publication of scientific journals. Here is the recapitulation of the number of publication of National KTI Journal from 2013 to 2015, which can be seen in Table 1. schedule which has been set. Since2014, those reports aresubmitted and the indication from the year to year remains the same;there are always employees who submit those reports late.If those various problems related to human resourcesare not investigated further, it will affect either directly or indirectly to the achievement of the organizational objectives. By studying the employee performance, then we will be able to know the things that are most influentialin performance, so it will be found the right strategy to be able to improve the performance of employees inSatellite Technology Center -LAPAN.This research of theinfluence ofmotivation and competence on employee performance is based on the study which was conducted by Rakhma, et al. (2015), which is based on the thought that in order to maximize the organizational performance, qualified elements to maximize the performance of the organization is required. Humanresources owned by the organization have various characteristics, including motivation, competence, and performance. Riyanti and Sudibya (2013) Table 1, the number of performance achievement for scientific publication of National KTIof 2013 showed good results, it can be seen from the achievements of performance,amounted to 88.5%. H...