A cochlear implant is a neuroprosthetic, electrical device that is developed for the treatment of patients who have sensory hearing loss. It directly stimulates the hearing nerve by bypassing the injured or damaged sensory receptors, the hair cells. This implant is directly placed in the inner ear. It is an electronic device which is proved to be very useful in patients with sensorineural hearing loss. This implant consists of a speech processor (externally present), which takes up the sound; transforms it into digital signals, and then internal components take it to convert it into electrical energy, which stimulates auditory nerves, and the brain perceives it and hears it as a sound. This is one of the most successful surgeries, which happens very frequently nowadays. Although, many complications are mostly associated with this implant. This paper deals with the preoperative, operative, and postoperative complications associated with cochlear implant surgery. That includes tinnitus, Meniere's disease, unilateral hearing loss, musical ear syndrome, infections; flap necrosis, facial nerve palsy, improper electrode placement, magnet displacement; failure and reimplantation, cholesteatoma, and pneumocephalus. These are just a few of the complications; there are much more complications which are associated with cochlear implants.