A shear Alfvén wave parametric instability is observed for the first time in the laboratory. When a single finite ω/Ωi kinetic Alfvén wave (KAW) is launched in the Large Plasma Device above a threshold amplitude, three daughter modes are produced. These daughter modes have frequencies and parallel wave numbers that are consistent with copropagating KAW sidebands and a low frequency nonresonant mode. The observed process is parametric in nature, with the frequency of the daughter modes varying as a function of pump wave amplitude. The daughter modes are spatially localized on a gradient of the pump wave magnetic field amplitude in the plane perpendicular to the background field, suggesting that perpendicular nonlinear forces (and therefore k ⊥ of the pump wave) play an important role in the instability process. Despite this, modulational instability theory with k ⊥ = 0 has several features in common with the observed nonresonant mode and Alfvén wave sidebands.PACS numbers: 52.35. Mw, 52.35.Bj Alfvén waves, a fundamental mode of magnetized plasmas, are ubiquitous in space, astrophysical, and laboratory plasmas. While the linear behavior of these waves has been extensively studied [1][2][3][4][5], nonlinear effects are important in many real systems, including the solar wind and solar corona. Theoretical predictions show that these Alfvén waves may be unstable to various parametric instabilities (e.g., Refs. [6-8]) even at very low amplitudes (δB/B < 10 −3 ). Parametric instabilities could contribute to coronal heating [9], the observed spectrum and cross-helicity of solar wind turbulence [10][11][12], and damping of fast magnetosonic waves in fusion plasmas [13,14].An abundance of theoretical work [6,7,[15][16][17][18][19] has found three types of parametric instabilities for a k ⊥ = 0 Alfvén wave: decay, modulational, and beat. The decay instability is the most widely known and involves the decay of a forward propagating Alfvén wave into a backward propagating Alfvén wave and a forward propagating sound wave. By contrast, the modulational instability results in forward propagating upper and lower Alfvénic sidebands as well as well as a nonresonant acoustic mode at the sideband separation frequency. To allow the forward propagating waves to interact, the pump wave must be dispersive-therefore the modulational instability at k ⊥ = 0 requires finite ω/Ω i through inclusion of Hall effects [7]. Ponderomotive coupling between the pump and sideband Alfvén modes self-consistently drives the nonresonant density perturbation parallel to the background magnetic field. In this context, "nonresonant" means that the mode does not satisfy a dispersion relation in the absence of the instability drive; this is also called a quasimode in the fusion community [20,21].Both shear Alfvén wave decay and modulational instabilities have been produced in numerical simulations [11,[22][23][24][25], but observational evidence is limited. Observations in the ion foreshock region upstream of the bow shock in the Earth's magnetosphere have...