(SD 4)] performed repetitions (6 -8) of twolegged, moderate-intensity, knee-extension exercise during two separate protocols that included step transitions from 3 W to 90% estimated lactate threshold ( L) performed as a single step (S3) and in two equal steps (S1, 3 W to ϳ45% L; S2, ϳ45% L to ϳ90% L). The time constants ( ) of pulmonary oxygen uptake (V O2), leg blood flow (LBF), heart rate (HR), and muscle deoxygenation (HHb) were greater (P Ͻ 0.05) in S2 ( V O2, ϳ52 s; LBF, ϳ 39 s; HR, ϳ42 s; HHb, ϳ33 s) compared with S1 ( V O2, ϳ24 s; LBF, ϳ21 s; HR, ϳ21 s; HHb, ϳ16 s), while the delay before an increase in HHb was reduced (P Ͻ 0.05) in S2 (ϳ14 s) compared with S1 (ϳ20 s). The V O2 and HHb amplitudes were greater (P Ͻ 0.05) in S2 compared with S1, whereas the LBF amplitude was similar in S2 and S1. Thus the slowed V O2 response in S2 compared with S1 is consistent with a mechanism whereby V O2 kinetics is limited, in part, by a slowed adaptation of blood flow and/or O2 transport when exercise was initiated from a baseline of moderate-intensity exercise.oxygen uptake kinetics; femoral arterial blood flow kinetics; Doppler ultrasound; knee-extension exercise; near-infrared spectroscopy ACCOMPANYING A RISE IN EXERCISE intensity, there is a challenge to increase the rate of oxidative phosphorylation to meet the new metabolic demand of the working muscle. To meet this demand, the respiratory and cardiovascular systems must adapt in a coordinated manner to transport O 2 from the atmosphere to the mitochondria of the exercising muscle, thus allowing oxidative phosphorylation to proceed at the required rate. Pulmonary O 2 uptake (V O 2 ) kinetics is an index of the overall efficiency and conditioning of these integrated systems and can provide pertinent information with regard to the various mechanisms regulating O 2 delivery and O 2 utilization by skeletal muscle during exercise.Recently, it was reported (8) that, for a given absolute increase in work rate (WR), the adaptation of V O 2 during leg-cycling exercise was slower and the gain (G) (i.e., ⌬V O 2 / ⌬WR) was greater when exercise was initiated in the upper compared with the lower regions of the moderate-intensity exercise domain. These observations agree with those of Hughson and Morrissey (22,23) and DiPrampero et al. (13), but differ from those of DiPrampero et al. (12) and Diamond et al.(10), who reported either a faster or similar adaptation, respectively, when comparing exercise initiated from either prior moderate-intensity exercise or rest.Brittain et al. (8) attributed the slowing of V O 2 kinetics in the upper region of the moderate-intensity domain to the bioenergetic properties of the newly recruited motor units, which were assumed to be less efficient (i.e., greater O 2 or ATP cost per contraction) with a more slowly adapting V O 2 response than those motor units recruited initially at exercise onset from rest or very light exercise (i.e., lower region of the moderateintensity domain). Hughson and Morrissey (22,23), however, suggested that the sl...