DOI: 10.1017/s0007485300008877
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Control of pink boll worm, Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders) (Lepidop-tera: Gelechiidae), in Egypt by mating disruption using an aerially applied microencapsulated pheromone formulation

Abstract: A large–scale mating disruption trial for the control of Pectinophora gossypiella (Saund.) was carried out in the Fayoum Province of Egypt during the 1981 cotton season. Two areas, each of 50 ha, were sprayed with a microencapsulated formulation of the sex pheromone (a 1:1 mixture of (Z, Z)- and (Z, E)-1, 11-hexadecadienyl acetate) as the sole means of controlling this pest. Five applications of 10 g a.i./ha were made during the season using fixed-wing aircraft. The pheromone treatments were compared with conv… Show more

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Cited by 30 publications
(24 citation statements)
References 9 publications
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“…However it is not possible to bring infestation to zero level at high pest pressure, as the mated females are likely to enter in the pheromone treated area. The results are similar to those of Shorey et al (1974) and Staten et al (1987) in the U.S.A. and in Egypt reported by Critchley et al (1983Critchley et al ( , 1985, Campion et al (1989), El-Adl et al (1988), McVeigh et al (1983) and Moawad et al (1991) and in Pakistan by Attique (1985), Qureshi and Ahmed (1989) and Chamberlain et al (1993). At present farmers have not adopted because it is species specific and they have to spray for Earias species and Helicoverpa even if pheromone have been used.…”
Section: Discussionsupporting
confidence: 84%
“…However it is not possible to bring infestation to zero level at high pest pressure, as the mated females are likely to enter in the pheromone treated area. The results are similar to those of Shorey et al (1974) and Staten et al (1987) in the U.S.A. and in Egypt reported by Critchley et al (1983Critchley et al ( , 1985, Campion et al (1989), El-Adl et al (1988), McVeigh et al (1983) and Moawad et al (1991) and in Pakistan by Attique (1985), Qureshi and Ahmed (1989) and Chamberlain et al (1993). At present farmers have not adopted because it is species specific and they have to spray for Earias species and Helicoverpa even if pheromone have been used.…”
Section: Discussionsupporting
confidence: 84%
“…In comparable studies conducted in California, population densities of P. gossypiella were higher in July, August and early September (Rice and Reynolds 1971;Kaae et al 1977). In Egypt and Pakistan, the pink bollworm population was high in August and peaked in September (Critchley et al 1983;Qureshi et al 1993).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 82%
“…This positive effect of mating disruption is presumably due to the action of the natural enemies of those insect pests that occur in that area Perdikis 1997, 1999). This indirect effect of mating disruption is of great value within the framework of IPM in cotton and is one of the main advantages of this method (Johnson et al 1982;Critchley et al 1983).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Microencapsulated, twist-tie and flake formulations for controlling P. gossypiella have been tested and used, for example, in Egypt (Critchley et al, 1983(Critchley et al, , 1985El Adi et al, 1987;Campion et al, 1989;Critchley, 1991;Moawad et al, 1991), Pakistan (Qureshi et al, 1988;Critchley et al, 1991) and the USA (Shorey et al, 1984;Staten et al, 1987), and shown to reduce pesticide usage. In Israel a twist-tie formulation containing the Earias pheromone has been used successfully for controlling E. insulana (Nakache et al, 1992).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%