Ultrasound velocity measurements of cubic spinel GeCo 2 O 4 in single crystal were performed for the investigation of shear and compression moduli. The shear moduli in the paramagnetic state reveal the absence of Jahn-Teller activity despite the presence of orbital degeneracy in the Co 2+ ions. Such a Jahn-Teller inactivity indicates that the intersite orbital-orbital interaction is much stronger than the Jahn-Teller coupling. The compression moduli in the paramagnetic state near the Néel temperature T N reveal that the most relevant exchange path for the antiferromagnetic transition lies in the ͓111͔ direction. This exchange-path anisotropy is consistent with the antiferromagnetic structure with the wave vector q ʈ ͓111͔, suggesting the presence of bond frustration due to competition among a direct ferromagnetic interaction and several distant-neighbor antiferromagnetic interactions. In the Jahn-Teller-inactive condition, the bond frustration can be induced by geometrical orbital frustration of t 2g -t 2g interaction between the Co 2+ ions, which can be realized in the pyrochlore lattice of the high-spin Co 2+ with t 2g -orbital degeneracy. In GeCo 2 O 4 , the tetragonal elongation below T N releases the orbital frustration by quenching the orbital degeneracy.