“…Spain offers an interesting framework for studying the effectiveness of the mechanisms Francisca Tejedo-Romero / Joaquim Filipe Ferraz Esteves Araujo / Magnus Luiz Emmendoerfer of good governance in the disclosure of IC information, for several reasons: a) the legal protection of shareholders there is lower than in Anglo-Saxon markets (Gisbert & Navallas, 2013), mainly of minority shareholders (PuchetaMartínez, 2015); b) Spanish capital markets are less developed than the United States', GreatBritain's and even Asian countries' markets (Fernández-Méndez & Arrondo-García, 2007;Pucheta-Martínez, 2015); c) the requirement for all listed companies, through Law 26/2003 of July 17, of having a website to provide relevant information and prepare a corporate governance report (Gisbert & Navallas, 2013;Tejedo-Romero & Araujo, 2016); d) the relevant role that the Board of Directors (henceforth BD) acquires in unitary or monist government systems (onetier-system), as it is in charge of the control and supervision of the company's management team, promoting active participation in strategic decision-making (Acero Fraile, & Alcalde Fradejas, 2010;García-Sánchez, Rodríguez Dominguez, & Gallego Álvarez, 2011); and e) the existence of a highly concentrated ownership structure (García Osma & Gill de Albornoz, 2007;Gisbert & Navallas, 2013), in which institutional directors have a significant influence on Spanish BDs (Pucheta-Martínez & García-Meca, 2014); because in Spain, in addition to executive or internal directors (insider), who hold a managerial position in the company and are directly involved in management, non-executive or outsider directors are considered as: Institutional Directors, which represent the interests of shareholder groups capable of influencing the control of the company (majority shareholders); independent directors, who are not connected either to the management team or to the control groups, but are selected for their high professional training and are responsible for ensuring the interests of minority shareholders; and other outsider directors (Law 31/2014, article 529). T h i s p a p e r a i m s t o i d e n t i f y t h e characteristics of Spanish Ibex35 companies' CG that affect the policy of IC disclosure.…”