Emission lines in the visible/UV wavelength ranges are observed with 80 lines of sight which cover an entire poloidal cross section of the plasma in the Large Helical Device. The emitted light is received with optical fibers having 100 m diameter and is guided into a 1.33 m Czerny-Turner-type spectrometer based on spherical mirrors for collimating and focusing. A charge-coupled device having 13.3ϫ 13.3 mm 2 area size is used as the detector and the spectra from all the lines of sight are recorded perpendicularly to the wavelength dispersion. The spectrometer is equipped with optics located in front of the entrance slit to correct the difference between the meridional and sagittal focal points, and thus the astigmatism, which otherwise causes severe cross talk between adjacent optical fiber images on the detector, is corrected. Consequently, simultaneous spectral measurement with 80 lines of sight is realized. The Zeeman splitting of a neutral helium line, 667.8 nm ͑21 P-3 1 D͒, which is caused by the magnetic field for plasma confinement, is measured with the spectrometer. Though the obtained line profile is in general a superposition of several components on the same line of sight, they can be separated according to their different splitting widths. The two-dimensional poloidal distribution of the helium line intensity is obtained with the help of a tomographic technique.