Generally, defective dies on semiconductor wafer maps tend to form spatial clusters in distinguishable patterns which contain crucial information on specific problems of equipment or process, thus it is highly important to identify and classify diverse defect patterns accurately. However, in practice, there exists a serious class imbalance problem, that is, the number of the defective dies on semiconductor wafer maps is usually much smaller than that of the non-defective dies. In various machine learning applications, a typical classification algorithm is, however, developed under the assumption that the number of instances for each class is nearly balanced. If the conventional classification algorithm is applied to a class imbalanced dataset, it may lead to incorrect classification results and degrade the reliability of the classification algorithm. In this research, we consider the semiconductor wafer defect bin data combined with wafer warpage information and propose a new hybrid resampling algorithm to improve performance of classifiers. From the experimental analysis, we show that the proposed algorithm provides better classification performance compared to other data preprocessing methods regardless of classification models.