This paper investigates the behavior of conductive Ti 4 O 7 ceramic anode in different electrolytes during the degradation of the anti-inflammatory drug paracetamol (PCM) by advanced electrochemical oxidation processes mainly anodic oxidation with generation of H 2 O 2 (AO-H 2 O 2) and electro-Fenton (EF). Regardless of the medium, better degradation and mineralization efficiency was always observed with EF compared to AO-H 2 O 2. The degradation of PCM was carried out by hydroxyl radical (% OH) produced on the anode surface from water oxidation and mediated oxidation in the solution from oxidant species generated at the anode such as sulfate radicals and active chlorine species depending on the supporting electrolytes used, as well as % OH generated homogeneously in the solution by electrochemically assisted Fenton's reaction. Faster degradation was observed in Cl − compared to other media, but the solution was poorly mineralized. Highest total organic (TOC) removal efficiency with excellent degradation rate was attained in SO 4 2− with either process, thus remain the best medium for advanced electrochemical wastewater treatment. Comparative studies with dimensional stable anode (DSA) and boron-doped diamond anode (BDD) showed similar trend of degradation and TOC removal efficiency with DSA anode achieving low mineralization power compared to Ti 4 O 7 anode, whereas BDD showed slightly better efficiency than Ti 4 O 7 in all electrolytes studied. The analysis of concentration of generated active chlorine species, especially ClO − , during AO-H 2 O 2 decreased in the order: DSA > Ti 4 O 7 > BDD. Therefore, the Ti 4 O 7 electrode was found to be a promising anode material for an efficient treatment of PCM in SO 4 2− , NO 3 − and ClO 4 − media but less effective in Cl − medium.