This work concerns one of the main challenges in atom
probe tomography
(APT) of heterogeneous systems, that is, the reliable placement of
evaporated atoms in the reconstructed volume with subnanometer precision.
The accurate determination of the nanoscale needle specimen shape
constitutes an essential requirement to overcome this challenge as
it enables one to include the details of the tip shape in the reconstruction
algorithms distortions. Recently, scanning probe microscopy (SPM)
has been pioneered as a promising approach to capture the topography
of the APT specimen in three dimensions. However, reaching the unusual
tip-on-tip measurement configuration requires approaching the specimen
with the SPM probe in a highly controlled manner to avoid any damage
to probe or specimen. Here, we propose a new method to align the SPM
probe with an APT tip through a measurement of the electrostatic interaction
between both. The method is free of any mechanical interaction between
both tips prior to surface imaging and is applicable for all possible
probe geometries. Additional insights into the resolution through
a simulation of the electrostatic interaction between the SPM probe
and a biased APT tip are provided. In prospect, this study opens doors
to probe the electric field around an APT tip in three dimensions.