The filiform-like corrosion of extruded Mg alloy AM30 immersed in a dilute near-neutral NaCl solution was investigated using electrochemical techniques coupled with transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Scanning vibrating electrode technique (SVET) measurements showed that the filament-like corrosion consisted of an intensely anodic propagation front supported by a cathodicallyactivated filament behind. The TEM examination of the corroded and intact surface films in cross-section using thin foils prepared by focused-ion-beam (FIB) milling indicated that the cathodic activity was likely a combined result of the formation of a thick, highly-defective MgO film and the ability of Al-Mn intermetallic particles to catalyze the cathodic H 2 gas evolution reaction. The formation of an Al-rich layer at the film/alloy interface with time, due to the incongruent dissolution of the alloy, was not able to stop the initiation and propagation of the filaments. Mg and Mg alloys have been shown to be susceptible to the formation of laterally-spreading products, which tend to manifest as thread-like "filaments" or radially-expanding "discs" during corrosion in aqueous NaCl solutions. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12] Williams et al. have offered critical insights into the electrochemical mechanism of this unique localized corrosion mode on pure Mg 1,5,7 and the Mg-Al-Zn-Mn alloy AZ31B 9 by employing the scanning vibrating electrode technique (SVET), where their SVET measurements showed that the corrosion filaments/discs became cathodically-activated following their formation. It was proposed that the net cathode on the locally corroded regions galvanically coupled with the adjacent intensely anodic regions to drive the lateral propagation of the corrosion products across the exposed surface. The formation of discs versus filaments was suggested to depend on whether the catalytic efficiency of the locally corroded region allowed for galvanic coupling with its perimeter, or merely along the most anodic pathways of the microstructure.7 This "differential electrocatalytic" mechanism was also shown to drive filiform corrosion on coated Mg as determined by scanning Kelvin probe (SKP) measurements.
1The mechanism, however, by which the cathodic reaction (H 2 gas evolution) is enhanced on corroded Mg or Mg alloys continues to be unclear. Proposed mechanisms include (i) the enrichment of noble secondary phase constituents such as iron (Fe) impurity particles (for pure Mg) or Al-Mn intermetallic particles (for AZ31B) within the corroded regions 5,9,13,14 (ii) an increased catalytic tendency of the corroded regions caused either by undissolved metallic Mg "chunks," 15 a significantly roughened surface film 5 or the formation of Mg(OH) 2 as a corrosion product. 16 The SVET measurements reported by Williams et al. suggested that a significantly reduced cathodic activation was exhibited by the as-cast AZ31B corrosion filaments 9 relative to the corrosion discs on pure Mg.5 This finding agrees well with the noble secondary phase theory,...