Fine finger and hand movements in humans, monkeys, and rats are under the direct control of the corticospinal tract (CST). CST lesions lead to severe, long-term deficits of precision movements. We transected completely both CSTs in adult rats and treated the animals for 2 weeks with an antibody that neutralized the central nervous system neurite growth inhibitory protein Nogo-A (mAb IN-1). Anatomical studies of the rubrospinal tracts showed that the number of collaterals innervating the cervical spinal cord doubled in the mAb IN-1-but not in the control antibody-treated animals. Precision movements of the forelimb and fingers were severely impaired in the controls, but almost completely recovered in the mAb IN-1-treated rats. Low threshold microstimulation of the motor cortex induced a rapid forelimb electromyography response that was mediated by the red nucleus in the mAb IN-1 animals but not in the controls. These findings demonstrate an unexpectedly high capacity of the adult central nervous system motor system to sprout and reorganize in a targeted and functionally meaningful way.
In the case of incomplete injuries of the central nervous system (CNS), spontaneous recovery processes can be observed in humans (1, 2) as well as in different animal models (3, 4). However, in the adult mammalian CNS, this recovery remains largely incomplete. This inability of the CNS to fully recover from an incomplete lesion appears gradually during development at a time coincident with the appearance of myelin (5, 6). Several myelin-associated proteins and proteoglycans show inhibitory properties to neurite growth; among them are Nogo-A͞NI-250 (7, 8), myelin-associated glycoprotein (9, 10), tenascin-R (J1 160͞180; janusin) (11), and sulfated proteoglycans (12, 13). The inhibitory effect of these proteins can be overcome in different ways: e.g., by a direct masking of the inhibitory substrate. Neutralization of Nogo-A by mAb IN-1 leads to a large decrease in the inhibitory activity of oligodendrocytes and myelin in vitro (14, 15) as well as in vivo, resulting in long-distance regeneration of lesioned spinal cord (16).Recent experiments have also pointed to a role of Nogo-A in inhibiting the plastic reorganization of the lesioned adult CNS. Infusion of the Nogo-A-neutralizing mAb IN-1 into the cerebrospinal fluid of unilaterally pyramidotomized rats induced corticorubral and corticopontine fibers to sprout across the midline and establish bilateral, anatomically specific projections (17). At spinal cord level, the unlesioned corticospinal tract (CST) sprouted into the contralateral denervated spinal cord (18). These anatomical changes were associated with an almost complete functional recovery in different behavioral tasks. These studies, however, focused on the CST, i.e., the lesioned system, and raised the interesting question of the limits of such repair processes. Thus, after complete transection of the CST, other descending motor tracts may also undergo reorganization and thereby contribute to the functional recovery. The ru...