Differential astroglial responses in the spinal cord of rats
-ORIGINAL ARTICLE NeuroregenerationDifferential astroglial responses in the spinal cord of rats submitted to a sciatic nerve double crush treated with local injection of cultured Schwann cell suspension or lesioned spinal cord extract. Implications on cell therapy for nerve repair 1 Respostas astrocitárias na medula espinal do rato submetido ao esmagamento duplo do nervo ciático e tratado com injeção local de suspensão de células de Schwann cultivadas ou de extrato de medula espinal lesada. Implicações na terapia celular para o reparo do nervo ABSTRACT Purpose: Reactive astrocytes are implicated in several mechanisms after central or peripheral nervous system lesion, including neuroprotection, neuronal sprouting, neurotransmission and neuropathic pain. Schwann cells (SC), a peripheral glia, also react after nerve lesion favoring wound/repair, fi ber outgrowth and neuronal regeneration. We investigated herein whether cell therapy for repair of lesioned sciatic nerve may change the pattern of astroglial activation in the spinal cord ventral or dorsal horn of the rat. Methods: Injections of a cultured SC suspension or a lesioned spinal cord homogenized extract were made in a reservoir promoted by a contiguous double crush of the rat sciatic nerve. Local injection of phosphate buffered saline (PBS) served as control. One week later, rats were euthanized and spinal cord astrocytes were labeled by immunohistochemistry and quantifi ed by means of quantitative image analysis. Results: In the ipsilateral ventral horn, slight astroglial activations were seen after PBS or SC injections, however, a substantial activation was achieved after cord extract injection in the sciatic nerve reservoir. Moreover, SC suspension and cord extract injections were able to promote astroglial reaction in the spinal cord dorsal horn bilaterally. Conclusion: Spinal cord astrocytes react according to repair processes of axotomized nerve, which may infl uence the functional outcome. The event should be considered during the neurosurgery strategies. Key words: Sciatic nerve lesion. Astrocyte. Neuronal protection. Neuroplasticity. Neuroregeneration. Pain. Review.
RESUMOObjetivo: Astrócitos reativos participam de vários mecanismos após lesões do sistema nervoso central e periférico, os quais incluem neuroproteção, brotamento neuronal, neurotransmissão e dor neuropática. As células de Schwann (CS), um tipo de glia periférica, também reagem com a lesão do nervo, podendo interferir com o reparo e cicatrização, crescimento de fi bras e regeneração neuronais. Investigamos aqui a possibilidade da terapia celular para o reparo do nervo ciático poder alterar o padrão da ativação astrocitária nos cornos anterior e posterior da medula espinal do rato. Métodos: Suspensão de CS cultivadas ou extrato homogeneizado de medula espinal lesada de rato foram inoculados num reservatório feito a partir de dois esmagamentos aplicados no nervo ciático do rato distantes 0,5mm entre si. Injeção local de salina t...