We give a simpler, more precise formulation for Equations (1-3) in Salih [1], and consequently for transport fidelity, Equation (15). This does not affect the validity of the protocol nor the scientific conclusions of the paper. The fidelity of counterfactual transport for finite inner and outer cycles is re-evaluated and plotted in Figure 1 below.First, the revised Equations (1-3) from Salih [1],(α pass + β block ) ⊗ |100 →Second, the revised Equation (15) from Salih [1] for the approximate fidelity of counterfactual transport, which gets more precise the larger the number of inner cycles, N, gets,Note that while a smaller number of outer cycles, M, does not lead to output errors in our counterfactual CNOT gate (the key step in our protocol) for either the case of Bob blocking