handling is enough for some applications with a following power amplifier used to amplify the RF pulses.The switching time of the RF-pulse former was measured based on the RF pulse's envelope observed on the digital oscilloscope HP 54124T. The 35-GHz CW signal is gated by the control impulses generated from the impulse generator at the pulse repetition frequency of 100 KHz. The inverters integrated in the RF-pulse former sharpen the rising and falling edges of control impulses, hence eliminating external effects, such as measurement cables and bonding wires, to the switching speed of the RF-pulse former which is mainly determined by the small gate resistor and gate-source capacitor of the MOSFET transistors. The envelope of the 35-GHz RF pulses at the output of the RF-pulse former can be clearly seen on the digital oscilloscope triggered by the trigger signal produced from the impulse generator. Figure 6 shows the measured 0.8-ns RF pulse and its spectrum. There is no RF leakage seen from the measured spectrums; the leakage, if any, is smaller than the magnitude of the actual RF pulse, which demonstrates the ultra-high isolation of the RF-pulse former. From Figure 6(a), the 10-90% rising time and 90-10% falling time of the RF-pulse former are determined to be 136 and 70 ps, respectively. The total measured switching time of 206 ps is 26 ps larger than the simulated result due to the delay in the inverters. The small switching time of 206 ps allows the RF-pulse former to produce very narrow RF pulses for high resolution radar and high-data-rate communication systems. Figure 7 shows the measured 200-ps RF pulse, demonstrating the possibility of generating very narrow pulses.ABSTRACT: In this article, we present a compact wide-slot antenna with reconfigurable notch bands, for ultra-wideband (UWB) and multiband communication applications. The dual band-notch characteristics are realized by using three open-ended stubs inserted into the fork-like radiating element, and the reconfigurable characteristics are achieved by integrating ideal switches in the stubs. By controlling the ON/OFF states of the ideal switches, the proposed antenna can function either as a UWB antenna with two notch-bands, or a single notch-band UWB antenna, or even a multiband antenna. The simulation and measurement results show that the proposed antenna is suitable for UWB as well as multiband communication systems.