As an instability phenomenon, the branching event of a running crack happens most frequently in essentially brittle fractures and high crack-propagation speeds and has been correlated with fracture surface topography and surface roughness in several investigations [1][2][3][4]. The author of [5] tried to analyze the crack branching event and correlate it with the increase of fracture toughness of brittle materials based on fractal geometry, using the fractal model as shown in Fig. 1. The present paper points out some essential defects of [5].For a co-planar fractal curve, from Richardson's relation,
L/Lo = (b/Lo)l -o.(1)One can easily reach the expression of fractal dimension aswhere b is the yardstick, L 0 and L are the initiator and the total length of a fractal curve, respectively; all of which are with the Euclidean measure; D is the fractal dimension.Neglecting the specific physical background of "crack branching", the fractal dimension D in Fig. lb varies with the initiator L 0 as shown in Fig. 2: D = log(3)/lo~2 cos(-~)]