The author is grateful to Mr. Weisheng Lei and Bingsen Chen for their comments [1] which raise three questions: the determination of fractal dimension, fractal model of fracture toughness and crack branching induced increase in fracture toughness of materials. However, I believe that the comments are based on a poor understanding of fractal geometry. This response will point out the incorrect concepts of fractal geometry used by the authors of the comments.On determination of fractal dimension: From fractal geometry [2-4], a self-similar fractal curve in mathematics has a unique fractal dimension which can be directly determined by a generator of the fractal curve. The expression of fractal dimension (D) can be defined bywhere b is the yardstick, Lo and L are the apparent and real lengths of the fractal curve, respectively. For a smooth curve with D = 1, L = L0. However, the authors of [1] incorrectly consider L 0 and L to be the initiator and the total length of a fractal curve.What are the initiator and the generator of a fractal curve? Feder [3] defined the initiator as the 0-th generation of the fractal curve. The construction of a fractal curve proceeds by replacing each segment of the initiator by the generator as shown in Fig. 1 (the Koch curve and the quadratic Koch curve). The k-th generation is obtained by replacing each line segment of (k-1)-th generation by a scaled-down version of the generator. Generally, the apparent length (L=AB) is not equal to the length of the initiator. Now let us consider the fractal model as shown in Fig. 2. It is easy to see that when