is described here. The material consists of teeth and bones of chondrichthyan (Selachimorpha indet., Ptychotrygon gueveli) and osteichthyan fishes (cf. Lepisosteus sp., Vidalamiinae indet., Pycnodontidae indet.), amphibians (cf. Thaumastosaurus sp.), lizards ('Lacertilia' indet.), mosasauroids (Tethysaurinae indet.), Theriosuchus-like and other, peculiar crocodyliforms and theropod dinosaurs (cf. Paronychodon sp.). The faunal composition is most similar to the Santonian fauna of Iharkút, western Hungary, a phenomenon that can be explained by the spatial and temporal closeness of the two landmasses. The Gams assemblage is of great importance since continental vertebrates from the Cenomanian to Santonian interval of Europe are extremely scarce, and it provides a small but significant link between older and younger vertebrate faunas in the region.