Introduction: The object/subject matter of this research is the educational material to support educational activities related to drugs and carried out with young people. Historically, the public policies in the field of drug consumption are grounded in the prohibitionist paradigm, which has led to prescriptive and frightening educational practices. A significant portion of educational and media materials on drugs present questionable contents and forms as youth is taken as vulnerable or at risk for drug addiction, and the messages distort the truth about the consume, as they are based on moralistic and functionalist perspectives. This study is grounded on the Collective Health perspective, which posits that drug consume is a social issue and youth is a category referred to history and social class. This means that individuals who compose the social classes develop particular relationships with drugs and present different problems due to this relationship. Objective: based on the Collective Health and Emancipatory Education underpinnings, the aim of this investigation is to build an educational support material about drugs for workers dealing with young people in the health, education, and social service, among others fields. Method: it a qualitative research developed from an emancipatory approach to action research. Participants were researchers and health workers, with interest and experience in this field, and members of the research group "Strengthening and weakening in work and life: basis for intervention in collective health" from The School of Nursing of The University of São Paulo. The drafting process was conducted through emancipatory workshops, and therefore the themes were selected according to the development of the discussions. Results: The material was built in 14 workshops, involving discussions mainly about the following topics: capitalist society and class structure; social reproduction; social values and ideology; emancipatory education; youth and contemporary problems; problematic drug consumption and health-disease process. We created the Drug education workbook: how to working with young people, organized in three axes: 1) structural dimension which discusses the capitalist structure of current society, 2) superstructural dimension which discusses ideology and values in contemporary society and its relationship with drug consumption, 3) social responses of youth to social contradictions which discusses how to strengthen young people for political organization. The axes are made up as follows: a supporting text about the central subject of the axe; a to learn more section, indicating films and other supporting texts; a guiding questions section, to didactically support the process of discussion with young people; a pedagogical strategy section, with suggestions of activities to be developed with young people during educational processes. Conclusion: The educational material was elaborated based on scientific and critical knowledge of existing forms of drug consumption which permit to demyst...