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RoMINa ElIaNa GaYÁUniversidad del Salvador (USAL), Buenos Aires -Argentina. This study aims to analyze KBS in Argentina and to identify the main opportunities and challenges in order to make proposals for strengthening KBS exports through improving access to major markets, employment and human capital and indirect exports. originality/value: This paper contributes to the discussion on KBS exports in Argentina. It provides a sectoral outlook, identifies the main opportunities and challenges and makes proposals for strengthening KBS exports. Design/methodology/approach: This paper examines KBS in Argentina using quantitative and qualitative information, such as statistics from official sources, international organizations and private institutions; literature review; and consultations with the private sector. Findings: There are significant opportunities to develop KBS in Argentina: availability of skilled labor and good communications infrastructure at competitive costs, more political stability and better life quality than other emerging locations. Argentina benefits from a good international reputation in some KBS sectors, such as advertising, audiovisual services and software. Additional efforts are needed in other areas to develop high-value KBS exports. The main challenges to strengthen these activities include human capital formation oriented to services that could face bottlenecks due to labor scarcity, negotiation of trade in service agreements and double taxation agreements and development of indirect exports.