The understanding of the interaction of water with mineral surfaces is fundamental for the description of solid−liquid interface reactions such as adsorption and desorption of solutes in natural and industrial systems. First-principles calculations can aid in the understanding of these interactions at the molecular level, allowing to formulate mechanistic laws of reaction. In this work, the adsorption of water (H 2 O) on forsteritic olivine (Mg 2 SiO 4 ) is studied on the stoichiometric (100) surface using density functional theory (DFT) based electronic structure calculations to predict stability and reactivity of this surface under atmospheric and hydrothermal conditions. The structure and the energetics were analyzed for H 2 O interacting at different reactive surface sites comprising magnesium, silicon, and oxygen atoms showing that H 2 O can be adsorbed molecularly, dissociatively, or in some combination of the two. Ab initio thermodynamics was employed to extend the first-principles DFT calculations at 0 K in vacuum to atmospheric and hydrothermal conditions providing predictions of the changes in surface stability as a function of temperature and pressure. The type of interaction was analyzed through the surface energy, Bader charge analysis, and the projected density of state (PDOS) of the most stable hydroxylated surface over a wide range of temperatures. This analysis shows that the most stable configuration is the adsorption of two water molecules on two surface sites leading to the formation of a hydronium ion, H 3 O + , bridging two Mg1 atoms and elongating their bonds with the surrounding surface oxygen atoms and a H + binding to a Si atom. Bader charge and density of states analyses indicate that upon interaction significant charge is lost from the surface atoms toward the water molecule groups, suggesting that the hydronium ion is chemisorbed at the Mg surface atoms resulting in reduced stability compared to the Si atom. Finally, the coverage effect up to two layers of water molecules (20 H 2 O/nm 2 ) was investigated to validate our calculations. Below 6 H 2 O/nm 2 , our calculations agree with previous DFT studies available at low coverage predicting that water dissociates at the most reactive sites. At higher coverage, our energetics agree with the experimental data from calorimetric measurements and show that at the most stable hydrated surface water can both dissociate and be molecularly adsorbed, thereby creating a hydrogen-bonding network involving the first and the second water layer.