The temperature-dependent circuit modeling and performance in terms of propagation delay, power dissipation, and crosstalk-induced voltage waveform at the far end of victim line of multilayer graphene nanoribbon (MLGNR) interconnects have been analyzed at 22 nm technology node. A comparative performance analysis between MLGNR interconnects with resistance estimated using temperature-dependent model and temperature-independent model is examined. The results obtained are also compared with capacitively coupled interconnects of copper (Cu). The results show that as the temperature is varied from 300 K to 500 K, MLGNR has lower propagation delay and power dissipation as compared to Cu for 1 mm long interconnects. It is also observed that because of the dominance of both low resistance and ground capacitance compared to Cu, MLGNR has better crosstalk-induced delay and voltage waveforms with rise in temperature at the far end of aggressor and victim line, respectively. Further, simulated results show an average relative improvement in propagation delay of 37.24% and corresponding improvement in power dissipation of approximately 19.59% by using a temperature-dependent model in comparison to a temperature-independent model of MLGNR resistance with interconnect lengths varying from 200 to 1000 μm. The reduction in the time duration of victim output pulse over these interconnect lengths also shows a significant improvement of approximately 35% by using temperature-dependent model as against temperature-independent model of MLGNR resistance.