⌬ 5 -3-Ketosteroid isomerase catalyzes cleavage and formation of a C-H bond at a diffusion-controlled limit. By determining the crystal structures of the enzyme in complex with each of three different inhibitors and by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopic investigation, we evidenced the ionization of a hydroxyl group (pK a ϳ16.5) of an inhibitor, which forms a low barrier hydrogen bond (LBHB) with a catalytic residue Tyr 14 (pK a ϳ11.5), and the protonation of the catalytic residue Asp 38 with pK a of ϳ4.5 at pH 6.7 in the interaction with a carboxylate group of an inhibitor. The perturbation of the pK a values in both cases arises from the formation of favorable interactions between inhibitors and catalytic residues. The results indicate that the pK a difference between catalytic residue and substrate can be significantly reduced in the active site environment as a result of the formation of energetically favorable interactions during the course of enzyme reactions. The reduction in the pK a difference should facilitate the abstraction of a proton and thereby eliminate a large fraction of activation energy in general acid/base enzyme reactions. The pK a perturbation provides a mechanistic ground for the fast reactivity of many enzymes and for the understanding of how some enzymes are able to extract a proton from a C-H group with a pK a value as high as ϳ30.Although the chemical nature of catalytic mechanisms is well understood for many enzymes, how enzymes are able to accelerate reaction rate by 10 8 -10 15 has remained an entirely unresolved issue. For example, the energetics of the seemingly simple heterolytic C-H bond cleavage is enigmatic, although it is a fundamental process found in a wide variety of biological reactions such as racemization, transamination, and isomerization (1, 2). In almost all cases, a proton is abstracted from a carbon adjacent to carbonyl, carboxylic acid, or carboxylate anion group by an active site residue because the ␣-protons are acidic by virtue of the resonance stabilization of the enolic intermediate. Despite the acidifying effect, the pK a values of the ␣-protons are typically much higher than the pK a value of a catalytic residue serving as a general base in the proton abstraction. The pK a values of the ␣-protons of most aldehydes, ketones, and thioesters lie between ϳ16 and 20, and pK a values of the ␣-protons of most carboxylate anions are Ն32, whereas those of active site bases are usually Ͻ7 (3). The unfavorable reverse proton transfer poses a large thermodynamic energy barrier the magnitude of which is a function of ⌬pK a , the difference in pK a between the proton donor and acceptor, and is given as 2.303RT⌬pK a (3), corresponding to 12-34 kcal/mol for the C-H bond cleavages. The required amount of energy has to be supplied by favorable interactions between catalytic residues and substrate in the course of catalysis, and/or the ⌬pK a must be significantly reduced in the active site milieu. The activation energy barrier may be entirely eliminated for reacti...