A : During the last couple of decades, the use of arrays of bolometers has represented one of the leading techniques for rare events searches. CUORE, an array of 988 TeO 2 bolometers that is taking data since April 2017 at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (Italy), exploits the large mass, low background, good energy resolution and low energy threshold of these detectors successfully. Thanks to these characteristics, they could be also sensitive to low energy rare processes, such as galactic dark matter interactions. In this paper we describe the data acquisition system that was developed for the CUORE experiment. Thanks to its high modularity, the data acquisition here described has been used in different setups with similar requirements, including the pilot experiment CUORE-0 and the demonstrator for the next phase of the project, CUPID-0, also taking data at LNGS.
K: CUORE CUPID-0 bolometers data acquisition double beta decay 1Corresponding author