This study attempts to estimate the Curie point depth (CPD) using the centroid and forward modelling of the spectral peak methods in the Sabalan geothermal field in Ardabil, NW of Iran. The reduced-to-pole aeromagnetic data were divided into 18 overlapping blocks of the sizes of 100 × 100 km. In the centroid method, the average depth to the top of the deepest crustal block, Z t , was first computed by linear fitting to the second longest wavelength segment of the power spectrum of aeromagnetic data. Then, depth to the centroid of the deepest crustal block, Z 0 , was computed by linear fitting to the longest wavelength segment of the power spectrum of the aeromagnetic data. The depth to the magnetic bottom was obtained from Z b = 2Z 0 − Z t . In the forward modelling of the spectral peak method, the modelled spectra fitted to the observed spectrum iteratively and Z t and Z b were finally estimated. According to the obtained results, the CPD varies from 10 to 18.6 km. The Curie temperature of magnetite was used to determine the thermal gradient and the heat flow in the area. The study area is found to have a great energy potential in the west, northwest and the southwest of the Sabalan with shallow CPD, high geothermal gradient and heat flow.