This study aimed to investigate the pattern and forms of deradicalization in higher education both in Indonesia and Malaysia. It also tried to search for the strategy of deradicalization in higher education levels. This study used qualitative study with ethnography strategy. The research steps consist of grand tour, formulation of preliminary findings and determination of research strategy, exploration of research focus or mini tour, analysis of advanced data, data validity check, final data analysis and formulation of research results, making the report, and post field step. The data collection techniques used in this research were interview, observation, documentation analysis, and focus group discussion. Meanwhile, the data analysis technique used in this research was technique from Miles and Huberman (1994). There were three steps of main activities, they are data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion (Miles & Huberman, 1994). Result of this study showed that the forms of radicalism in higher education are radicalism in thinking and acting that aimed to terrorism. This form of radicalism is spread through direct and indirect patterns. The former is carried out through religious lectures, student associations, organizations, and dormitories. Meanwhile, the latest one is profiling in the media social and members recruitment. Thus, the deradicalization strategy through multicultural education in institutions is carried out both in a soft and hard approach. The soft approach is carried out to embrace parties who are indicated to understand radicalism, while the hard approach is carried out for parties who have led to illegal acts (terrorism). The multicultural education in Indonesia was created through the foundation of multicultural consciousness in the past. The implementation of multiculturalism as common platform in designing the learning based on Bhinneka Tunggal Ika or unity in diversity is realized through the civics education which is supported by the religion education. Meanwhile the implementation of multicultural education in Malaysia used soft and hard approaches by using religion. This approach is considered to be proper approach particularly when it was given to the Islam majority. By using this approach, the institutions and the lecturer could attempt to grow the Islamic values to develop the respect among fellows even though they have different tribes and religions.