In line with long-term climate change projections, the extreme drought in 2018-2019 provided a unique opportunity to investigate expected regional climate change impacts both in terms of monitoring (e.g., the TERENO observatories in Germany [Heinrich et al., 2019; Wollschläger et al., 2016]) and modeling (e.g., Samaniego et al., 2018; Smith et al., 2020a) flux-storage dynamics. As drought impacts propagate through a catchment's ecohydrological cycle (Wilhite & Glantz, 1985), increasingly dry conditions (i.e., a meteorological drought of reduced precipitation and high temperatures) typically deplete soil water storage, gradually supressing "green" (i.e., soil evaporation and vegetation transpiration) and "blue" (i.e., groundwater recharge and runoff generation) water fluxes. However, resilience to droughts and subsequent recovery patterns differ for different compartments of the ecohydrological cycle. Orth and Destouni (2018) showed that blue water fluxes generally decrease more strongly and rapidly than green water fluxes as soil moisture deficits increase. In prolonged droughts, impacts propagate to aquifers, and it generally takes a longer time for recharge fluxes to recover during rewetting periods (Orth & Destouni, 2018). Of course, the general patterns vary under specific physiographic and climate conditions. In regions where surface waters are substantially fed by deeper aquifer storage, blue water fluxes likely