Each country has to reserve a share optimum amount of defense investment from the budget. If a country's defense is inadequate, other investments will remain to be an inadequate level in the country. World military expenditure in 2016 totaled about $1.68 trillion, around 2.2 percent of world GDP. From 1945 to the day extraordinary advances in military technology occurred made it mandatory new investment and reconstructions in the defense industry. Highly competitive inter/national large corporations should be established in the defense industry as USA and Europe made mergers. The biggest defense spenders in 2016 were respectively USA, China, Russia, S.Arabia, India. To Turkey's 2023 vision, with rational defense investment will be an important contribution as developing the economy and the industry and the technology level. Due to the neighbor, the amount of aid given to housing and health care and employment for 3.5 million refugees who fled the civil war in Syria, is over $ 25 billion. As taking consideration with existing defense potential of Turkey, It must be taken sample that countries, obtaining social-economic utulity from defense investment.