), the authors note that in Fig. 2a, the same trace was inadvertently used for the electrophysiological records of RNB (DOXuntreated) and RNB (DOX-withdrawn). This error does not affect the conclusions of the article. The corrected figure and its legend appear below. (e and f ) Mean Ϯ SEM of firing rates of simple spikes (e) and complex spikes ( f) are shown with columns and bars, respectively. *** , P Ͻ 0.001 (comparison between DOX-treated RNB mice and all five other animals by the Scheffé test). (g) The extracellular recording site (red) was confirmed at the Purkinje cell layer by fluorescent Nissl staining. ML, molecular layer; PL, Purkinje cell layer; GL, granule cell layer. eyeblink conditioning ͉ interpositus nucleus ͉ Purkinje cell ͉ reversible neurotransmission blockade ͉ synaptic plasticity C lassical conditioning of the eyeblink reflex is elicited by paired presentation of conditioned stimulus (CS) with reinforcing unconditioned stimulus (US) (1-4). This associative motor learning is a basic form of cerebellum-dependent leaning. In eyeblink conditioning, the CS pathway includes the pontine nucleus and mossy fibers, whereas the US pathway includes the inferior olive and the climbing fibers (1-5). The mossy fibers project directly to the interpositus nucleus and indirectly to the cerebellar cortex via granule cells (1-5). The CS and US signals are thus conveyed to both the cerebellar cortex and the interpositus nucleus (Fig. 1a). The localization and underlying mechanisms of eyeblink conditioning have been extensively studied by different approaches including gene targeting (6-11), lesioning (12-15), mutant analysis (16), and pharmacological inactivation analyses (17-23). On the basis of these studies, one model proposes an essential role of the cerebellar Purkinje cell circuit in memory traces (24)(25)(26). According to this model, convergence of the CS and US signals induces long-term depression at the parallel fiber-Purkinje cell synapses. Because Purkinje cells are inhibitory, long-term depression causes a disinhibition of the interpositus nucleus and an increased input in the downstream motor pathways. The other model proposes that the memory trace is located in the interpositus nucleus and that conditioned responses (CRs) are properly evoked in response to CS by a timing signal from Purkinje cells (1,3,27,28). Eyeblink conditioning involves multiple learning processes, at least acquisition, expression, and storage of motor learning. Once the expression process of memory traces is impaired, it becomes difficult to define the key neural circuits responsible for expression, formation, and storage of memory traces.In this investigation, we adopted a novel reversible neurotransmission blocking (RNB) technique to explore the role of Purkinje cells and the interpositus nucleus in associative eyeblink conditioning. In the RNB transgenic mice, the tetanus toxin light chain is restrictedly expressed in granule cells under the control of a tetracycline-controlled reverse transactivator (rtTA) (29). Tetanus t...