The histories of Human Resource Development Quarterly and the Academy of Human Resource Development (AHRD) are intertwined. As the AHRD President-elect, I therefore consider it an honor to be invited to write this editorial, and I have chosen to focus on a topic of shared interest to both the journal and the professional association: how research can lead the profession of HRD.Professional associations play a critical role in the development and practice of most professions, and many HRD researchers and practitioners are active in one or more associations. I consider AHRD my professional home. It is where I go for growth and networking, and to recharge my energy and passions with those who share a common vision for advancing HRD through research. Through our conferences around the world, journals, Web sites, Web casts, and special interest groups, I find myself continually motivated to push at the boundaries of my understanding and practice. I also find myself continually aspiring to become a role model for those newer to the profession.The AHRD vision of leading HRD through research is one that should appeal to the scholars who write for and read this journal. Like all visions, it is something to which we aspire, and we are challenged to determine how best to attain it. Clearly, there are many voices and multiple perspectivesthose of the faculty member, the student, the scholar-practitioner, the senior scholar, the journal editor, the SIG chair, and the theory builder, to name but a few. It is my belief that each voice must be heard, and that we make best progress by celebrating and exploring differences and acknowledging them as opportunities to expand and improve our understanding.I therefore place considerable emphasis on acknowledging the different voices, and ensuring each is heard. With space limited in this editorial, I would like to focus on two of the voices I believe to be particularly critical at this time in our development as a profession: the experienced scholar and the voice of those exploring the connection between research and practice.