Hwang CBC, Greenspan .IS, Shillitoe E.I. Deteetion of herpes simplex virus proteins in eultuted eells by monoclonal antibodies and the avidin-biotinimmunopeioxidase complex tnefhod. J Oral Pathol 1986: 15: 179-184 Abstract -The distribution of 5 proteins of herpes simplex virus Type 1 was observed in eells that had been infected lor various periods. Tbe cells wete stained with tnonoclonal antibodies to ICP4, 1CP5, ICP6, ICP8, and gB, using the avidin-biotin-peroxidase cotnplex (ABC) method. Eaeh protein had a characteristic pattern of time of appeatanee and translocation by which it could be distinguished from the others. The sensitivity of the ABC technique, its ease of use, and the permanence of the preparations make this method well suited for the study of viral ptoteins.