Talent Management (TM) was affected by unprecedented disruptions unleashed by the COVID-19 pandemic in the workplace. The sequential periods of international lockdown, in many cases, forced activities to be redirected for a blended or hybrid form of teleworking. Spatial mobility impacted on the performance of the TM. The impacts have been so deep and widespread that organizations had to adapt to crises using intensive Information and Communicating Technologies (ICT). Hybrid Work (HW) is a modality that became more usual after several COVID-19 waves and lockdowns. In this context, Talent Management depend on sensible leader’s capabilities to attract, maintain, develop, and retain talents to strengthen organizational performance, productivity, and competitiveness, mainly in HW context. In this context, we use Factiva tool to check the relevance of this new way to work before and after the COVID-19 pandemics. This paper discusses some challenges to TM in HW as Relationship based on Trust, Team engagement, Knowledge management, Renewal of Organizational Culture, Inclusive practices and Life-work continuum (LWC). Finally, we present some trends for TM especially in HW to help organizations to counterbalance disruptive events in the future.