In x-ray photoe lectro n spectrosco py (XPS), a sample is exposed to low energy x rays (a pp rox im ately keY), and th e res ultant photoelectrons a re analyzed with hi gh precis ion for kin eti c energy. Aft er co rrection for in e las ti c scatt erin g, th e measured ph otoe lectron spectrum s hould refl ect th e va le nce ba nd density of states , as we ll a s the binding ene rgies of se ve ra l co re e lec tro ni c le vels. All features in thi s spectrum will be modul ated by a pprop ri ate photoelec tri c c ross sec ti ons, a nd th ere are several types of final -s tate effects whi c h could co mpli cate th e interpretation furth er.[n co mpariso n with ultraviolet photoelec tron s pectrosco py (U P S), XPS has th e following advantages: (1 ) the effects of in e las ti c sca ttering are less pronoun ced and can be corrected for by usin g a core reference le vel, (2) co re le vel s can al so be used to monitor the che mi cal state of th e sa mpl e , (3) th e fr ee elec tron states in the ph otoe mi ssion process do not introdu ce signifi ca nt di s torti on of th e photoelectro n spec trum , a nd (4) the surface co nditi on of th e sa mpl e does not a ppear to be as criti cal as in UP S . XPS see ms to be capabl e of givin g a very goo d desc ription of th e ge neral shape of th e de nsit y-of-s tates fun ction. A decid ed adv antage of UP S at the presen t tim e, howe ver, is a pproxim ately a fourfold hi ghe r resoluti on.We have used XP S to stud y th e densiti es of states of th e metal s Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Ru , Rh , Pd , Ag, Os, Ir, Pt, and Au , and also th e co mpound s ZnS, Cd Cb , and HgO. The d band s of these solid s are o bse rv ed to have syste mati c be hav ior with changes in atomic number, and to agree qu alitatively with th e res ults of theory and oth er ex periments. A ri gid band model is found to work reaso nably well for Ir, Pt and Au . The d bands of Ag, I r, Pt, Au and HgO are found to have a similar two-co mponent s hape.Key words: CdC I,; de nsity of states; HgO; nobl e metal s; rigid band model; tran s iti on me tals; x-ray photoe mi ssion; ZnS.