Since a respiration-deficient(RD) mutant of yeast was first obtained by Ephrussi et al. (2) by treatment with acriflavine(AF) and named ' petite colonie ' mutant, others have been induced by many basic dyes'13), enzyme inhibitors(26), heavy metal salts(8), and physical effects such as ultraviolet irradiation (23) and heat shock(27).In previous papers(9,10) we reported that a carcinogenic agent, 4-nitroquinoline N-oxide(4-NQO), could induce an RD mutant which was seemingly like the mutant induced by AF. From the viewpoint of induction rate and the time required for the induction of RD mutants, the effects of 4-NQO and AF were unlike. The mutants produced by these two agents differed in their cytochrome content and in enzyme activities such as catalase, succinic dehydrogenase, lactic dehydrogenase, etc. (12). Consequently, it was thought that the mechanisms of the induction of RD mutants by both agents might be different.Extensive studies (7,14,15,17,24) on the mechanism of the induction of RD mutants with AF have been made which suggest the elimination of cytoplasmic elements and the change of nucleic acid base components as the action of AF. Nagai (15) found that the induction of RD mutants by AF was counteracted by methylene blue and toluidine blue, and from his results he suggested that AF exerted its RDinducing action in a certain specific mode of binding between the dye molecules and receptor material of yeast cells.The present paper deals with the difference in the effect of methylene blue on the induction of RD mutants by 4-NQO and AF.