Experimental techniques are presented that can be used to assay and correct for differential light scattering effects in circular dichroism spectra of biological macrostructures. The assay is based upon use of variable detector geometries that collect light over large solid angles. Disrupted T2 virus suspensions and purified T2 phage DNA exhibit geometry-independent spectra; the spectrum of intact T2 virus is highly sensitive to detection geometry. On the basis of spectra obtained after light-scattering correction, the structure of T2 DNA in the phage particle is assigned to the C form. We conclude that: (i) The measured circular dichroism of a light-scattering specimen may be highly sensitive to light-detection geometry of the instrument. This effect is indicative of differential scattering intensity for left and right circularly polarized light. (ii) Some optically active particles, although they scatter light intensely, exhibit circular dichroism that is independent of detection geometry and, therefore, apparently uninfluenced by differential light scattering. We infer that whether differential light scattering arises may depend upon the presence or absence of ordered asymmetry in the organization of the scattering particle. (iii) The circular dichroism of any light-scattering specimen should be measured again in apparatus designed for differential light-scattering correction as a prerequisite to meaningful structural conclusions. (iv) Differential scattering effects in circular dichroism may be potentially useful as a probe for large-order organization of the scattering particle. Circular dichroism (CD) studies, although at one time devoted to simple molecules (1, 2), have recently been focused upon a variety of complex biological macrostructures. Much promising CD work has been contributed on the molecular conformation of DNA in chromosomes (3), chromatin (4-12), and related material, such as reconstituted nucleohistone (13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19) (25-27, 29, 30, 32, 33, 35), other concentration-obscuring effects (30, 32, 33), and differential light scattering (25,26,29,(31)(32)(33). It is the last of these with which we are concerned. (35)(36)(37)(38)(39) have appeared, and some experimental work has been presented (25,26,29,31,32) or proposed (37, 38) for particular applications.We now report a quite general experimental approach to assay the presence of differential light scattering and to correct for its effects on measurements in a circular dichrograph.The proposed assay involves determination of whether the observed CD spectrum varies with changes in the light-collection geometry of the spectropolarimeter. The collection geometry may be described in terms of the position, size, and shape of the light-detection element relative to the incident measuring beam and the sample cell.As a basis for later discussion, we consider first the measurement of normal, unpolarized light absorption spectra.For a photomultiplier tube (PMT) detector located on the optical axis, and with a sufficiently collim...