Abstract. The seasonal polar caps of Mars are composed primarily of solid CO 2, and their growth and decay play a large part in the planer's atmospheric CO 2 cycle. The thermodynamic temperature of the caps is ~ 145 K, in equilibrium with the •-6 mbar atmosphere. The optical properties of CO 2 ice require that pure snow with a sufficiently small particle size has a high visible/near-infrared albedo and a low infrared emissivity in parts of the thermal infrared, particularly in the region between 20 and 50 gm. Dust mixed into or on top of the CO 2 ice will lower the visible albedo and bring the thermal infrared emissivity closer to 1. Water ice mixed with the CO 2 will have little effect in the visible and near-infrared to 1.4 gm but can raise the 20-50 gm emissivity if the particle size is >50 gm. Observations of both seasonal polar caps during two of the assessment orbits of the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft are used to show that there is a strong correlation between visible brightness and low 20-50 gm emissivity. The infrared spectra from the Thermal Emission Spectrometer from regions with low 20-50 gm brightness temperature are consistent with surface deposits of CO 2 with millimeter-sized grains and containing varying small amounts of dust, and they are not consistent with the expected signature of water ice or clouds. Large regions of low emissivity in the spring seasonal caps have not been observed previously. They are correlated with visible bright regions which are known to become brighter as the spring progresses. The visible brightness of the south polar deposits examined is inferred from historical observations, while the brightness of the north polar region is determined from Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter measurements at 1.06 gm. The model of seasonal CO 2 caps with bright, low-emissivity regions agrees with previous visible observations of bright crater rims, streaks, and other bright areas within the polar caps, some of which may evolve in time from dark, high-emissivity sheet ice to brighter, fractured, loweremissivity ice layers. It is also in agreement with models of the CO 2 cycle, which require average polar cap emissivities <0.9.