“…Wi-Fi/LBT-LTE [129], [142]- [144] Wi-Fi: CSMA/CA; LTE: generic LBT -different ED thresholds [142], ideal MAC and different channel selection schemes (random, least interfered) [129], ETSI LBE [143] optimized topologies [144] distributed [129], [142], [143], likely centralized [144] [135], [145]- [147] Wi-Fi: CSMA/CA; LTE: LBT without random backoff - [135] two time granularity levels; [145] ETSI FBE; adaptive transmission duration [146]; dynamic channel switch [146] distributed [135], [145], [147], centralized [146] [124], [126], [132], [136], [147]- [151] Wi-Fi: CSMA/CA; LTE: LBT with random backoff within fixed interval (or fixed CW) -different ED thresholds [132], [136], adaptive ED threshold [150], variable transmission duration [148], different channel selection schemes (random, least power at AP or UE) [136] distributed [123], [133], [151]- [158] Wi-Fi: CSMA/CA; LTE: LBT with binary exponential random backoff -backoff freeze [154], ETSI LBE [151], different ED thresholds [154], different channel selection [133], [155]-…”