Abstract-In order to meet the increasing demand for more performance with reduced power consumption and chip formfactor, semiconductor manufacturing is moving towards 3D Stacked Integrated Circuits (SIC). One of the challenges in bringing this technology into realization is the complicated test accessibility requirements of 3D chips, which apart from having adequate defect coverage, should also have minimal test time. A major limiting factor in test time improvement of ICs is the number of chip terminals, such as pins or Through Silicon Vias (TSVs) available for bulk vector transport in testing. In the conventional design, a chip terminal is only used to either send or receive data at any given time. In this paper, a test accessibility architecture based on ternary encoded Simultaneous Bi-Directional Signaling (SBS), intended for use in parallel Test Access Mechanism (TAM) in System on Chip (SoC) based designs, is proposed. This method enables the use of chip terminals to simultaneously send and receive test vectors, effectively doubling the per-pin efficiency during testing. Experiments show that this technique reduces the Overall Test Time (OTT) by up to 53.6% as compared to conventional TAM design methods.
Index Terms-3D Stacked Integrated Circuits, System on Chip, Design for Testability, Simultaneous Bi-directional, Test Access Mechanism© 2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN OF INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS 2 the industry by the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS) [11].In this paper, a novel Test Access Mechanism (TAM) design is proposed for 3D SICs that doubles the data transfer efficiency of the pins and TSVs, resulting in a substantial decrease of the test times. This is achieved by leveraging Simultaneous Bidirectional Signaling (SBS) for full-duplex test mode communication at chip terminals. SBS allows transmission and reception of test bits simultaneously compared to the conventional Uni-Directional Signaling (UDS) scheme in which the signal could travel in only one direction at a given time. Using SBS, a complete transmission and reception channel could be formulated using a single electrical path at the chip terminal instead of two, effectively doubling the number of test-channels and increased parallelism in test scheduling. The paper further discusses the TAM design considerations for the incorporation of SBS in 3D SICs such that it does not interfere with the functional mode performance and standard DFT logic, such as JTAG compliant boundary scan registers. An example implementation suitable for low-frequency test vector transportation is presented, and its electrical characteristics are discu...