Abstract-Crosstalk is a phenomenon by which signals from one channel interfere with the signals of another. In this work, we have investigated the applications of cross talk elimination in interferometer, telecommunications, biomedicine, etc. to improve the performance in these areas. This paper discusses the various algorithms and techniques used to reduce cross talk with their trade-offs. A novel technique is proposed based on performance parameters of different multipliers and FFT method for the analysis of the said algorithms. The hardware utilization of a filter using truncated multiplier is efficient as there is a reduction of 73.64% in hardware with respect to FFT method while with normal cascade network multiplier the reduction is 83.87%.Index Terms-Adaptive filter, cross talk, fast block least mean square algorithm, fast block least mean square algorithm with distributed arithmetic, FFT, FIR Filter, least Mean square, multipliers.
I. INTRODUCTIONCrosstalk is the phenomenon by which a signal transmitted on one circuit or channel creates an undesired effect in another circuit or channel as shown in Fig. 1. Crosstalk elimination is necessary to increase Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR). It is the undesired effect caused by coupling capacitance of the network. As technology is decreasing in size, we find it all the more important to keep interferences like crosstalk at bay. Main elimination techniques involve the phenomenon of digital filtering. Filtering can be either IIR or FIR. According to S. Hernandez-Montero etal [1], an FFT based technique is also proposed which tends to show high performance than linear phase digital filtering for high optimization of FPGA based interferometry which is used to measure the line electron density in plasmas. Adaptive filtering is another field which explores cross talk reduction using different Manuscript received February 11, 2014; revised May 20, 2014 [3]. A study of different multipliers is done as it contributes to the complexity of any filter structure. Based on the performance analysis of these different filters, the desired structure is used to construct the said above elimination techniques and tradeoffs will be observed.This paper discusses the review on crosstalk reduction techniques and algorithm in Section II while Section III gives an idea regarding design simulation and analysis. Section IV deals with the proposed structure for cross talk elimination and Section V concludes our paper.
II. CROSSTALK REDUCTION TECHNIQUES AND ALGORITHMS: A REVIEWAccording to the various research papers, we are concerned with the different reduction techniques based on filtering and FFT. Let us analyse the above said reduction techniques and their dependence on the various parameters involved.A. FIR Filter FIR filter or Finite Impulse Response filter is a type of digital filter where the filter response to inputs are finite as it settles to zero after a finite amount of time. FIR filters are bounded-input bounded-output (BIBO) stables since output is a sum of finite number of fin...