The hotel administrator and receptionist can manage all hotel operations online using the desktop-based application known as the hotel management system. Being a very busy individual, the hotel administrator or receptionist does not have time to sit down and oversee all actions manually on paper. He now has the ability and freedom to control the complete system from a single web platform thanks to this programme. It oversees and keeps up the hotel's records of guests, accommodations, staff, and drivers. The project aims to keep the daily state of customer admission/vacation, employee list, room data, etc. The primary goal of this project is to offer hotels a way to handle most of their operations using computerized processes. This software will assist the administrator in managing client information, room assignment information, payment information, driver information, reserving rooms of two distinct types, etc. With the aid of the NetBeans IDE, it is constructed in the Java programming language. Java is used for its frontend and MySQL for its backend.