Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP) by the so-called 'dissolution' procedure 1 is rapidly gaining momentum as a novel method to enhance weak nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) signals from molecular tracers, so that one can visualize their biodistribution and metabolism in ViVo. 2 The major limitation of the technique arises from the short lifetimes of hyperpolarized spin states in liquids. In particular, longitudinal relaxation times T 1 of protons in solutions of biomolecules are too short to allow for transport and in ViVo injection of hyperpolarized compounds. Most applications of the technique have therefore focused on 13 C NMR of 13 C-enriched tracers containing nonprotonated carbons with T 1 ( 13 C) ≈ 20-40 s. Choline (CH 3 ) 3 N + CH 2 CH 2 OH plays a key role in several critical biological processes, in particular in the synthesis and metabolism of phospholipids in cell membranes, and in cholinergic neurotransmission. Although the choline molecule does not contain any slowly relaxing carbons, it possesses a quaternary nitrogen with T 1 ( 15 N) > 120 s, which lends itself to hyperpolarization. 3 The conversion of choline to phosphocholine catalyzed by choline kinase has recently been monitored by 15 N NMR in Vitro, 3 employing hyperpolarization of 15 N spins. In ViVo measurements using this method may, however, be hampered by insufficient 15 N peak separation of choline metabolites (∼ 0.2 ppm for phosphocholine vs choline, i.e., only 6 Hz in a field B 0 ) 7 T) and by poor sensitivity of 15 N NMR. A sensitivity improvement by at least an order of magnitude would be required, e.g., to monitor phosphocholine accumulation in tumor cell cultures. 4 The above limitations may be overcome by transferring the hyperpolarization from 15 N to protons, as in recent heteronuclear 2D DNP-NMR experiments. 5 A similar concept was recently used for 13 C enhanced by PASADENA. 6 In this work, we show that one can transfer the long-lived 15 N hyperpolarization to remote methylene CH 2 O protons in choline across three bonds via 3 J( 15 N, 1 H), which significantly improves both the sensitivity and the spectral dispersion of choline metabolites. We also show that T 1 ( 15 N) in choline can be considerably increased by deuteration of the methyl groups.The conventional 1 H spectrum of 15 N-enriched choline is shown in Figure 1A. The peak at 3.19 ppm, which stems from the nine magnetically equivalent methyl protons, is commonly used for in ViVo quantification of choline-containing compounds, 7 whereas the multiplets due to the NCH 2 (3.50 ppm) and CH 2 O protons (4.05 ppm) 8 exhibit an AA′XX′ pattern. 9 The CH 2 O and methyl peaks have additional doublet structures due to 3 J( 15 N, 1 H) ≈ 3.7 Hz and 2 J( 15 N, 1 H) ≈ 0.8 Hz. (In nonenriched choline, one observes triplets due to 3 J( 14 N, 1 H) ) 2.7 Hz and 2 J( 14 N, 1 H) ) 0.6 Hz. 8,9 ) As shown in Figure 1B, the small n J( 15 N, 1 H) couplings in choline can be used to transfer hyperpolarization from 15 N to CH 2 O and methyl protons, using a reversed INEPT pulse sequence. 10,11...