This position paper by the DEIS HVDC Cable Systems Technical Committee provides a review of existing diagnostic electrical and dielectric techniques for testing the insulation of polymeric extruded HVDC cable joints in the present Part 1. Here, the state of the art on the insulation of HVDC extruded cable system joints is covered with reference to types, design and testing techniques. This helps to identify routine tests as the first target for the onset of new testing procedures, AC-PD measurements as the readily-available measurement from manufacturers' practices for quality control of the insulation of accessories during routine tests and VHF/UHF wireless sensors as the best tool for performing such measurements on joints in the noisy factory environment. Thereby, a novel protocol for the measurement of partial discharges using AC voltages and VHF/UHF sensors, for quality control during routine tests on such joints, is derived in the next Part 2. This protocol is the main novelty of this investigation.